Created for you based on personal experience
To find your therapist and get to where we are now, each of us has gone through the challenging journey of finding our specialist. Our goal is to make the search for a therapist easier and reduce it to a few steps.
Our mission is to improve mental health in Ukraine and make psychotherapy a natural part of the cultural life.
Rozmova for clients
Psychotherapy is a tool for self-discovery and personal development with a variety of approaches and methods. You don't need to understand them to choose a specialist for yourself. You just need to answer a few questions and focus on working on your request.
Rozmova for therapists
We know how challenging it is to focus on many things at once: education, practice, and building your own brand. That's why we want to support you and do everything possible to make people hear about you, those who need you, and whose lives you can make better. We are passionate about psychotherapy and professionals in this field, so we do everything possible for your promotion.
Our Team
Dmytro Marakhovsky
COO. Project Founder
7 years ago, I faced daily panic attacks and anxiety episodes. I attended hundreds of psychotherapy sessions, studied numerous researches, after which working with a professional became an indispensable tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
Dmytro Kovalenko
COO. Project Founder
I turned to psychotherapy after a prolonged burnout with apathy towards work. By better understanding myself, I was able to comprehend my emotions and body, finding new sources of energy.
For me, Rozmova is about giving people the opportunity to better understand and respect themselves, learn to build relationships with the world and others.
Mykhailo Alexandrov
Product Owner. Project Developer
For me, Rozmova is about simplifying the path to find your therapist.
Evelina Zvonova
Multiplying knowledge about Rozmova
Arthur Mironenko
CTO. Performs magic on Rozmova
At a critical moment of burnout and a shift in life values, psychology helped me find what motivates me — technologies that make the world better, more convenient, and carry ethical value. Rozmova for me is an opportunity to apply my skills in the best way — to improve the health and lives of people.
Marta Kuznetsova
PR Manager. Inspires people about Rozmova
Dmytro Marakhovsky
CEO. Project Founder
7 years ago, I faced daily panic attacks and anxiety episodes. I attended hundreds of psychotherapy sessions, studied numerous researches, after which working with a professional became an indispensable tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
Dmytro Kovalenko
COO. Project Founder
I turned to psychotherapy after a prolonged burnout with apathy towards work. By better understanding myself, I was able to comprehend my emotions and body, finding new sources of energy.
For me, Rozmova is about giving people the opportunity to better understand and respect themselves, learn to build relationships with the world and others.
Mykhailo Alexandrov
Product Owner. Project Developer
For me, Rozmova is about simplifying the path to find your therapist.
Arthur Mironenko
CTO. Performs magic on Rozmova
At a critical moment of burnout and a shift in life values, psychology helped me find what motivates me — technologies that make the world better, more convenient, and carry ethical value. Rozmova for me is an opportunity to apply my skills in the best way — to improve the health and lives of people.
Evelina Zvonova
Multiplying knowledge about Rozmova
Marta Kuznetsova
PR Manager. Inspires people about Rozmova
"To ask for help is always about strength and never about weakness."
Що кажуть наші користувачі
З Розмовою взагалі все було просто. Після вибору терапевтки одразу відкрився чат з нею і там було повідомлення з подальшими кроками. Тобто взагалі ВСЕ ясно. Куди скільки грошей, хто що хоче, коли це буде і що робити.
Тому команді великий привіт і дякую) такого мені бракувало!
І обирати легко, бо зручні фільтри і терапевти гарний опис складають
P.S. зі своєю терапевткою займаюся вже 5 місяців, і дуже задоволена)
Я людина реактивна, тому коли мені щось треба то треба терміново. З подібних сервісів до Розмови, я не знаю конкурентів які змогли б мене сконтактувати з психологом швидше ніж ви.
На вашому сайті я буквально за 3 хвилини обрав психолога (по темам і ціні).
Був шокований від зручності (оплата на сайті через Apple Pay, створення Tелеграм чату одразу після оплати).
Сконтактував з психологом, все супер ок!
Я рада, что нашла в себе силы обратиться к специалисту. Мне повезло, что я с первого раза нашла психолога, с которым мне легко говорить о своих проблемах и есть к нему доверие. В этом я очень благодарна вашему сервису. Я практически год не начинала работу с психологом потому, что не знала, где его найти.
Андрей помог мне прояснить некие моменты в моей жизни, после чего у меня появилось понимание, что мое состояние можно изменить.
Это была только первая консультация, в понедельник я продолжу)